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Python FFmpeg query rtsp too slow

Currently, I am trying to use python with FFmpeg to query rtsp data which the original format is h264.

The information of the live stream video is, fps:29; resolution: 1280*720.

I wish that I can query the data as the same format "h264" and put into a python queue in order to the future use.

Here is my code:

class CCTVReader(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, queue, URL, fps=29):
    self.queue = queue
    self.command = ["ffmpeg",  "-y",
                    "-hwaccel",  "nvdec",
                    "-c:v",  "h264_cuvid",
                    "-vsync", "0",
                    "-max_delay", "500000",
                    "-reorder_queue_size", "10000",
                    "-i",  "rtsp://",
                    "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p",
                    "-preset", "slow",
                    "-an", "-sn",
                    "-vf", "fps=29",
def run(self):
    pipe = sp.Popen(self.command, stdout = sp.PIPE, bufsize=1024**3, shell=True)
    timer = time.time()
    counter = 0
    while True:

However, after I run this program about 10 second, my console shows the warning message:

[rtsp @ 0000020be0fbb9c0] max delay reached. need to consume packet
[rtsp @ 0000020be0fbb9c0] RTP: missed 127 packets

It seems like my command doesn't type appropriately.

Could you kindly give me some suggestion about how to deal with this problem?

Thank you very much


  • Assuming you want to grab the video stream without modifying the data, you need to set different set of arguments to FFmpeg:

    • Set "-c:v", "h264" as input argument (before "-i"), for informing FFmpeg that the input is h264 video stream.
    • Set "-c:v", "copy" as output argument (after "-i"), so the FFmpeg copies the input video stream to the output PIPE, without modifications (without decoding and encoding).
    • Set "-f", "h264" as output argument, for setting PIPE output format to h264.

    Here is a working code sample (please read the comments):

    import ffmpeg
    import numpy as np
    import subprocess as sp
    import threading
    import queue
    class CCTVReader(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self, q, in_stream):
            self.q = q
            self.command = ["ffmpeg",
                            "-c:v", "h264",     # Tell ffmpeg that input stream codec is h264
                            "-i", in_stream,    # Read stream from file vid.264
                            "-c:v", "copy",     # Tell ffmpeg to copy the video stream as is (without decding and encoding)
                            "-an", "-sn",       # No audio an no subtites
                            "-f", "h264",       # Define pipe format to be h264
                            "-"]                # Output is a pipe
        def run(self):
            pipe = sp.Popen(self.command, stdout=sp.PIPE, bufsize=1024**3)  # Don't use shell=True (you don't need to execute the command through the shell).
            # while True:
            for i in range(100):  # Read up to 100KBytes for testing
                data =  # Read data from pip in chunks of 1024 bytes
                # Break loop if less than 1024 bytes read (not going to work with CCTV, but works with input file)
                if len(data) < 1024:
                pipe.wait(timeout=1)  # Wait for subprocess to finish (with timeout of 1 second).
            except sp.TimeoutExpired:
                pipe.kill()           # Kill subprocess in case of a timeout (there should be a timeout because input stream still lives).
    # Build synthetic video, for testing begins:
    # width, height = 1280, 720
    # in_stream = "vid.264"
    # sp.Popen("ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i testsrc=size=1280x720:duration=5:rate=1 -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -pix_fmt yuv420p " + in_stream).wait()
    #in_stream = "rtsp://",
    #Use public RTSP Streaming for testing
    in_stream = "rtsp://"
    q = queue.Queue()
    cctv_reader = CCTVReader(q, in_stream)
    if q.empty():
        print("There is a problem (queue is empty)!!!")
        # Write data from queue to file vid_from_queue.264 (for testingg)
        with open("vid_from_queue.264", "wb") as queue_save_file:
            while not q.empty():

    I tested the code using public RTSP Streaming and using a generated synthetic video file (code for testing with file is commented).

    The code stores the output to vid_from_queue.264.
    The .264 file is playable - the file format is an elementary h264 video stream.

    Here is the last frame of the grabbed video stream: