I'm trying to install the node.js. The installation process was successful.
But when I'm running gulp
command in terminal I'm getting this error.
PS C:\Users\Gayatree\test-widget> gulp
[15:32:28] Using gulpfile ~\test-widget\gulpfile.js
[15:32:28] Starting 'default'...
[15:32:28] Starting 'build'...
[15:32:28] Starting 'compress'...
[15:32:28] Starting 'clean'...
[15:32:28] Finished 'clean' after 23 ms
[15:32:28] Starting '<anonymous>'...
[15:32:29] Finished '<anonymous>' after 127 ms
[15:32:29] Finished 'compress' after 157 ms
[15:32:29] Finished 'build' after 165 ms
[15:32:29] Starting '<anonymous>'...
[15:32:29] '<anonymous>' errored after 3.01 ms
[15:32:29] Error: watching ./src/**/***: watch task has to be a function (optionally generated by
using gulp.parallel or gulp.series)
at Gulp.watch (C:\Users\Gayatree\test-widget\node_modules\gulp\index.js:31:11)
at C:\Users\Gayatree\test-widget\gulpfile.js:47:14
at bound (domain.js:419:14)
at runBound (domain.js:432:12)
at asyncRunner (C:\Users\Gayatree\test-widget\node_modules\async-done\index.js:55:18)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:76:11)
[15:32:29] 'default' errored after 377 ms
PS C:\Users\Gayatree\test-widget>
I saw in some websites where it says to change the format of writting the watch
fucntion and I tried also but it didn't work.
The page where its showing the error is given below.
var gulp = require("gulp"),
zip = require("gulp-zip"),
del = require("del"),
newer = require("gulp-newer"),
log = require('fancy-log'),
colors = require('ansi-colors'),
plumber = require("gulp-plumber"),
gulpif = require("gulp-if"),
jsonTransform = require("gulp-json-transform"),
intercept = require("gulp-intercept"),
argv = require("yargs").argv,
widgetBuilderHelper = require("widgetbuilder-gulp-helper"),
jsValidate = require("gulp-jsvalidate");
var pkg = require("./package.json"),
paths = widgetBuilderHelper.generatePaths(pkg),
xmlversion = widgetBuilderHelper.xmlversion;
gulp.task("clean", function () {
return del([
], { force: true });
gulp.task("compress", gulp.series(["clean"], function () {
return gulp.src("src/**/*")
.pipe(zip(pkg.name + ".mpk"))
gulp.task("build", gulp.series(["compress"]));
gulp.task("default", gulp.series(['build'], function() {
gulp.watch("./src/**/*", ["compress"]);
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.js", ["copy:js"]);
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.html", ["copy:html"])
gulp.task("compress", gulp.series(["clean"], function () {
return gulp.src("src/**/*")
.pipe(zip(pkg.name + ".mpk"))
gulp.task("copy:js", function () {
return gulp.src(["./src/**/*.js"])
.pipe(plumber(function (error) {
var msg = colors.red("Error");
if (error.fileName) {
msg += colors.red(" in ") + colors.cyan(error.fileName);
msg += " : " + colors.cyan(error.message);
gulp.task("copy:html", function () {
return gulp.src(["./src/**/*.html"])
gulp.task("version:xml", function () {
return gulp.src(paths.PACKAGE_XML)
gulp.task("version:json", function () {
return gulp.src("./package.json")
.pipe(gulpif(typeof argv.n !== "undefined", jsonTransform(function(data) {
data.version = argv.n;
return data;
}, 2)))
gulp.task("icon", function (cb) {
var icon = (typeof argv.file !== "undefined") ? argv.file : "./icon.png";
console.log("\nUsing this file to create a base64 string: " + colors.cyan(icon));
.pipe(intercept(function (file) {
console.log("\nCopy the following to your " + pkg.name + ".xml (after description):\n\n" + colors.cyan("<icon>") + file.contents.toString("base64") + colors.cyan("<\/icon>") + "\n");
gulp.task("folders", function () {
paths.showPaths(); return;
gulp.task("modeler", function (cb) {
widgetBuilderHelper.runmodeler(MODELER_PATH, MODELER_ARGS, paths.TEST_PATH, cb);
gulp.task("version", gulp.parallel(["version:xml", "version:json"]));
Can Someone help me to debug this code? I have checked the codes but I couldn't understand where the problem is.
You have many lines of code that look like this:
gulp.parallel(["version:xml", "version:json"])
gulp.task("compress", gulp.series(["clean"], function () {
Change them all to be of the form:
gulp.parallel("version:xml", "version:json")
gulp.task("compress", gulp.series("clean", function () {
and parallel
do not take an array as an argument. See https://gulpjs.com/docs/en/api/series#parameters
Change these as well, from
gulp.watch("./src/**/*", ["compress"]);
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.js", ["copy:js"]);
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.html", ["copy:html"])
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.html", ["copy:html"])
gulp.watch("./src/**/*", gulp.series("compress"));
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.js", gulp.series("copy:js"));
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.html", gulp.series("copy:html"))
gulp.watch("./src/**/*.html", gulp.series("copy:html"))