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How to send simulated remote notification to iOS simulator?

Xcode 11.4 introduced sending simulated push notification on iOS simulator

How to achieve that?


  • Answering my own question :P

    Requirement: Xcode 11.4 beta or above

    Method 1, Online tool

    Use online tool to test push notifications, I personally found it more useful than methods below, it's more straightforward and does not require remembering simctl command


    Method 2, Command line

    There are 2 ways, both needed a JSON formatted with a valid Apple Push Notification Service payload with .apns extension

    Example apns: (Save it as XXX.apns file)


    Using simctl to send simulated notification



    $ xcrun simctl push A0AF405F-FE73-45DA-8D7D-F1FE37821992 test.apns

    You can find the simulator device id with

    xcrun simctl list

    Example: enter image description here

    Method 3, Drag and Drop .apns file to simulator

    When using drag and drop, you .apns file needed to include a key that indicates your app bundle id

    Key name: Simulator Target Bundle

    Value: Your app bundle id Example:

        "Simulator Target Bundle": "YOUR_APP_BUNDLE_ID",

    After that, simply drag and drop the file into the simulator, and voilà! enter image description here