When I manually search & select and delete an object, catia shows a "Delete" dialog box where I can select "Delete all exclusive parents" & "Delete all children". When I carry out the same process using the following code, "Delete" dialog box does not show up and I cannot toggle on "delete all Children" to successfully delete the object. How do I let catia show "Delete" dialog box when I run the following code? or is it possible to incorporate a line where I can delete the children too?
Dim productDocument1 As ProductDocument = _CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim oSelection As Selection = productDocument1.Selection
oSelection.Search("Name= *Object*,All")
If oSelection.Count2 > 0 Then oSelection.Delete()
After selecting the items to delete, instead of oSelection.Delete() you can do
and you should be shown the dialog to interact with.
If you want to automatically handle the dialog, then you will have to use WINAPI methods.