Could anyone help me adding task numbers to my current code. I've written code for users to add tasks for different users but now I need to add task numbers to my task output text. The current text is displaying as shown:
User assigned to task:
jakeTask Title:
Task Description:
walk the dog
Task Due Date:
Date Assigned:
Task Completed:
Now all I would like is the output to be as:
User assigned to task 1:
Task Title:
Task Description:
walk the dog
Task Due Date:
Date Assigned:
Task Completed:
and also to be able to display a specific task by number if the user requests it. So if the task numbers are callable at all this would really help.
my current code is:
def add_task():
if menu == "a" or menu == "A":
with open( 'user.txt' ) as fin :
usernames = [i.split(',')[0] for i in fin.readlines() if len(i) > 3]
task = input ("Please enter the username of the person the task is assigned to.\n")
while task not in usernames :
task = input("Username not registered. Please enter a valid username.\n")
task_title = input("Please enter the title of the task.\n")
task_description = input("Please enter the task description.\n")
task_due = input("Please input the due date of the task. (yyyy-mm-dd)\n")
date =
task_completed = False
if task_completed == False:
task_completed = "No"
task_completed = ("Yes")
with open('tasks.txt', 'a') as task1:
task1.write("\nUser assigned to task:\n" + task + "\nTask Title :" + "\n" + task_title + "\n" + "Task Description:\n" + task_description + "\n" + "Task Due Date:\n" + task_due + "\n" + "Date Assigned:\n" + str(date) + "\n" + "Task Completed:\n" + task_completed + "\n")
print("The new assigned task has been saved")
Thank you for any help.
For initial file context like:
task 1
description: something
You need read file and find last task number. Then create new task with number increased by 1 and append that to the file.
import re
data = open('test.txt', 'r')
listed_data = data.readlines()
# get last task number
last_task = [line for line in listed_data if 'task' in line][-1]
current_task_number = int(re.findall('\d+', last_task)[0])
# add new task with new number
def add_task(number):
file = open('test.txt', 'a')
file.write('task ' + str(number+1) + '\n')
file.write('description: ' + str('something') + '\n')
task 1
description: something
task 2
description: something
task 3
description: something