I am currently using folium to plot a list of lat/longs, around 1000 or so points. I have a list called lats, a list called longs and then a third list which is the colors, it is either the colors red, or green. The problem I am having is when I open up the map all the points get turned to red. I have no clue why. It makes zero sense to me because when I make it so it only shows the greens it works fine. But once it starts to show both all the greens turn to red by the end. Does anyone know why?
import folium
from folium import plugins
mapit = folium.Map( location=[map_lat, map_long], zoom_start=10 )
for en in range(0, len(enum)):
folium.CircleMarker([lats[en], longs[en]], fill = True, color = colors[en], radius = 3, fill_color = colors[en]).add_to( mapit )
, map_long
are just some variables for where the map should be pointing.
The len(enum)
is a list with equal length to the lats, longs and colors lists. It contains other information not as important to the question, but you can be assured that it is the same length.
Following your description, this toy example gives the expected result:
import folium
from folium import plugins
lats = [51.5873, 51.4743, 51.632, 51.4731]
longs = [0.0873, -0.0703, -0.3032, -0.2731]
colors = ['red', 'red', 'green', 'green']
mapit = folium.Map(location=[lats[0], longs[0]],
for en in range(len(colors)):
folium.CircleMarker([lats[en], longs[en]],
fill = True,
color = colors[en],
radius = 20,
fill_color = colors[en]).add_to( mapit )
and you get: