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Convert a standard Mysql table to a nested table

What is the cleanest way to convert a MySQL table like this :

     id | fullindi                              | parent | rank
      1 | LHUILLIER Pierre (ca 1700 - 1745)     |    0   |   0
      9 | LHUILLIER Claude (ca 1729 - 1806)     |    1   |   1
  10357 | LHUILLIER Joseph (ca 1730 - 1738)     |    1   |   2
      7 | LHUILLIER François (ca 1731 - 1794)   |    1   |   3
      3 | LHUILLIER Antoine (1736 - av. 1797)   |    1   |   4
      4 | LHUILLIER Anne Marie (1737 - ____)    |    1   |   5
   4903 | LHUILLIER Dominique (1740 - ____)     |    1   |   6
      5 | LHUILLIER Thérèse (1741 - ____)       |    1   |   7
      8 | LHUILLIER Augustin (ca 1743 - ____)   |    1   |   8
      6 | LHUILLIER Joseph (1745 - ap. 1804)    |    1   |   9
    322 | LHUILLIER N... (1749 - ____)          |    9   |   1
    323 | LHUILLIER Marianne (1751 - ____)      |    9   |   2
    324 | LHUILLIER François (1752 - ____)      |    9   |   3
    325 | LHUILLIER Augustin (1754 - av. 1810)  |    9   |   4
    326 | LHUILLIER Léopold (1757 - av. 1819)   |    9   |   5
    327 | LHUILLIER Nicolas (1758 - ____)       |    9   |   6
    328 | LHUILLIER N... (1760 - ____)          |    9   |   7
    329 | LHUILLIER Claude (1765 - ____)        |    9   |   8
   4643 | LHUILLIER Jean Baptiste (1766 - 1836) |    9   |   9
    331 | LHUILLIER Marie Jeanne (1767 - 1823)  |    9   |  10

to a nested table like this :

     id | fullindi                              | posleft | posright
      1 | LHUILLIER Pierre (ca 1700 - 1745)     |    0    |   848
      9 | LHUILLIER Claude (ca 1729 - 1806)     |    1    |   1
    322 | LHUILLIER N... (1749 - ____)          |    2    |   3
    323 | LHUILLIER Marianne (1751 - ____)      |    4    |   5
    324 | LHUILLIER François (1752 - ____)      |    6    |   7
    325 | LHUILLIER Augustin (1754 - av. 1810)  |    8    |   9

I precise that it needs to be independent of the depth (max = 20 levels ) and of the number of items (more than 1.000 items).

Any help will be greatly appreciate.

Best regards.


  • There is a previous question Here

    Where someone does this in php, you could probably take the logic from that to get the solution you need.

    I found this on a crappy website and the SQL was all in one line so it has taken a bit of formatting. I have left the sample pretty much as is and all credit should go the the fantastic Joe Celko who has been writing about sql for years.

         CREATE TABLE Tree (
        child CHAR(10) NOT NULL, 
        parent CHAR(10), 
         -- insert the sample data for testing 
         INSERT INTO Tree(child,parent) VALUES ('Albert', NULL)
         INSERT INTO Tree(child,parent) VALUES ('Bert', 'Albert') 
         INSERT INTO Tree(child,parent) VALUES ('Chuck', 'Albert') 
         INSERT INTO Tree(child,parent) VALUES ('Donna', 'Chuck') 
         INSERT INTO Tree(child,parent) VALUES ('Eddie', 'Chuck') 
         INSERT INTO Tree(child,parent) VALUES ('Fred', 'Chuck') 
    CREATE TABLE Stack (
        StackID int IDENTITY(1,1),
        stack_top INTEGER NOT NULL, 
        child VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, 
        lft INTEGER NOT NULL, 
        rgt INTEGER, 
        DECLARE @lft_rgt INTEGER, @stack_pointer INTEGER, @max_lft_rgt INTEGER
        SET @max_lft_rgt = 2 * (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tree)
        INSERT INTO Stack 
        SELECT 1, child, 1, @max_lft_rgt 
        FROM Tree 
        WHERE parent IS NULL
        SET @lft_rgt = 2
        SET @Stack_pointer = 1
        DELETE FROM Tree WHERE parent IS NULL
        -- The Stack is now loaded and ready to use 
        WHILE (@lft_rgt < @max_lft_rgt) 
                IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Stack AS S1, Tree AS T1 WHERE S1.child = T1.parent AND S1.stack_top = @stack_pointer) 
                        -- push when stack_top has subordinates and set lft value 
                        INSERT INTO Stack 
                        SELECT (@stack_pointer + 1), 
                        FROM Stack AS S1, 
                        Tree AS T1 
                        WHERE S1.child = T1.parent AND S1.stack_top = @stack_pointer
                         -- remove this row from Tree 
                         DELETE FROM Tree 
                         WHERE child = (SELECT child FROM Stack WHERE stack_top = @stack_pointer + 1)
                         SET @stack_pointer = @stack_pointer + 1 
            -- push 
                    -- pop the Stack and set rgt value 
                    UPDATE Stack SET rgt = @lft_rgt, stack_top = -stack_top 
                    WHERE stack_top = @stack_pointer 
                    SET @stack_pointer = @stack_pointer - 1
                -- pop 
            SET @lft_rgt = @lft_rgt + 1

    You should be able to use this to sort out your list by changing the column names etc.

    Once again this is not my work, once again thanks again to Joe Celko (I have been a fan of the nested set model for a long time now and have a few systems in production using it). I have been unable to find Joe's blog if there is one (If you are out there please comment here and take all the credit.