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Can't get python-can-viewer to run

I want to use python to read a can-bus and later on going to send messages on the bus via python(I'm a total python newbie, but have knowledge in C and C++). So I started with installing the python-can module via pip. First thing I wanted to try is only read messages from the bus with the python-can-viewer. I checked the connection with the firmware from peak and everything works fine I can see the heartbeat from my can device. But the can-viewer module wont start.


Sorry that the error-massage is in German, it means:

[WinError 126] The specified module could not be found

I also tried to use a simple example from python-can

import can

can.rc['interface'] = 'pcan'
can.rc['channel'] = 'PCAN_USBBUS1'
can.rc['bitrate'] = 500000

def send_one():

    with can.interface.Bus() as bus:

        bus = can.interface.Bus()

        msg = can.Message(
            arbitration_id=0xC0FFEE, data=[0, 25, 0, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1], is_extended_id=True

            print("Message sent on {bus.channel_info}")
        except can.CanError:
            print("Message NOT send")

if __name__ == "__main__":

I got the example from

I also get the same error, I also found that winerror 126 could be about missing ddls or libaries so I installed the x64 vc_redist from microsoft, but it didnt help

edit: forgot to mention this site


  • I found the problem, i didnt install the right dll in the windows/system32 folder, i downloaded the right PCAN API Basic Driver Software from

    For someone with the same problem, download the basi API Driver for Windows and get the PCANbasic.DLL in the system32 folder (u need administrator rights)