I have created the following factor with success:
conti <- factor(
c("Europe", "Africa", "Africa", "Asia", "S.America"), #Every single observation is registered
levels = c("Africa", "Asia","Europe", "S.America") #Every possible category is registred
I am trying to recode the levels using the forcats function 'fct_recode':
conti <- fct_recode(conti,
"S.America" = "S. Amerika",
"Europe" = "Europa",
"Asia" = "Asien",
"Africa" = "Afrika")
Doing so, I receive the following error-code:
Unknown levels in `f`: S. Amerika, Europa, Asien, Afrika
Any idea what is happening here?
You get a warning message on them since you have assigned new factor levels incorrectly. Try,
"S. Amerika" = "S.America",
"Europa" = "Europe",
"Asien" = "Asia",
"Afrika" = "Africa")
#[1] Europa Afrika Afrika Asien S. Amerika
#Levels: Afrika Asien Europa S. Amerika