I have a couple of tables. One contains dialed in phone numbers:
Another has city codes:
city_code city_name
495 Moscow
38551 Kalmanka
I need to get the following:
num call_from
84951234567 Moscow
74957654321 Moscow
4951357246 Moscow
83855112345 Kalmanka
73855154321 Kalmanka
3855113524 Kalmanka
Phone number with city code always have 10 digits; it can be preceded with 7 or 8 or nothing. City code can have from 3 to 5 digits. Num is stored as VARCHAR. Is this possible to solve this with SQL?
As said in another answer, is complicated to make this query efficient. With this query you obtain what you want:
SELECT p.num, c.city_name
FROM phones p, cities c
WHERE LEFT(p.num, LENGTH(c.city_code)+1) MATCHES "*" || c.city_code || "*"
Because can be a prefix before the city_code in the phone number I take a substring of length(city_code) + 1
* Edit *
I make the join with outer
to select phones without city_code, and because the phone with city code is always 10 digits, first I substring the last 10 digits of phone (as shown in another answer)
SELECT p.num, c.city_name
FROM phones p, OUTER cities c
WHERE c.city_code = LEFT(RIGHT(p.num, 10), LENGTH(c.city_code))