I want to do some pattern recognition on my screen and will use the Quartz/PyObjc libraries to get the screenshots.
I get the screenshot as a CGImage. I want to search for a pattern in it using the openCV library, but can't seem to find how to convert the data to be readable by opencv.
So what I want to do is this:
#get screenshot and reference pattern
img = getScreenshot() # returns CGImage instance, custom function, using Quartz
reference = cv2.imread('ref/reference_start.png') #get the reference pattern
#search for the pattern using the opencv library
result = cv2.matchTemplate(screen, reference, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
#this is what I need
minVal,maxVal,minLoc,maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
I have no idea how to do this and can't find information through google.
All these answers ignore Tom Gangemis comment to this answer. Picture of widths which are not multiples of 64 will be screwed up. I made an efficient approach using np strides:
cg_img = CG.CGWindowListCreateImage(
CG.kCGWindowImageBoundsIgnoreFraming | CG.kCGWindowImageNominalResolution
bpr = CG.CGImageGetBytesPerRow(cg_img)
width = CG.CGImageGetWidth(cg_img)
height = CG.CGImageGetHeight(cg_img)
cg_dataprovider = CG.CGImageGetDataProvider(cg_img)
cg_data = CG.CGDataProviderCopyData(cg_dataprovider)
np_raw_data = np.frombuffer(cg_data, dtype=np.uint8)
np_data = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(np_raw_data,
shape=(height, width, 3),
strides=(bpr, 4, 1),