I try to convert a date column with missing values into year-week format with tsibble
. Doing this returns either in parsing failures or numeric outcomes.
The final output shall look like this: 2020 W1, 2020 W6.
Is there a way to solve this using the tsibble
package? Strangly, the yearmonth
function of this package works also with NA and empty values.
x <- c("2020-01-01", "", "2020-02-06")
# Output: fails
ifelse(x == "", "", yearweek(ymd(x)))
# Output: "18260" "" "18295"
# Desired Output: "2020 W1", "", "2020 W6".
You can do this in base R :
format(as.Date(x), "%Y W%V")
#[1] "2020 W01" NA "2020 W06"
When you use this in yearweek
from tsibble
it returns an error
Error in yrs[mth_wk == "12_01"] <- yr[mth_wk == "12_01"] + 1 : NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments
Since yearweek
function returns output of class "yearweek" "Date"
it doesn't allow NA
values in it or empty values (""
) because they are not of the class "yearweek" "Date"
. A hack is to change the values to character instead.
x1 <- as.Date(x)
inds <- !is.na(x1)
x2 <- character(length = length(x1))
x2[inds] <- as.character(yearweek(x1[inds]))
#[1] "2020 W01" "" "2020 W06"