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How can I make a Haskell parser from a list of words?

I'm a Haskell beginner, using Attoparsec to find some color expressions in a text. I want to be able to match, for example, "light blue-green" and "light blue green" in a text. But of course I need a generalized solution for any string like that. So I've been thinking that it would be something like

"light" >> sep >> "blue" >> sep >> "green"
  where sep = inClass "\n\r- "

In other words, I think I need a way to intercalate >> sep >> to a list of words. Something like:

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Attoparsec.Text

-- | Makes a parser from a list of words, accepting
-- spaces, newlines, and hyphens as separators.
wordListParser :: [T.Text] -> Parser
wordListParser wordList = -- Some magic here

Or maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way entirely, and there's an easier way?

Edit: this minimal non-working example feels like it's almost there:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Replace.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Applicative (empty)

wordListParser :: [T.Text] -> Parser T.Text
wordListParser (w:ws) = string w >> satisfy (inClass " -") >> wordListParser ws
wordListParser [w] = string w
wordListParser [] = empty  -- or whatever the empty parser is

main :: IO ()
main = parseTest (wordListParser (T.words "light green blue")) "light green-blue"

which I think can be run with something like

stack runhaskell ThisFile.hs --package attoparsec replace-attoparsec text


  • Here is what I would do, assuming that you have a data type for your colours; if you don't, just substitute it for what you're using. The function parseColourGen takes any Text that is space-separated, and generates a parser that accepts a colour where each word is separated by one or more legal separators.

    import Prelude hiding (concat, words)
    import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
    import Data.Attoparsec.Text
    import Data.List (intersperse)
    import Data.Text (concat, pack, singleton, Text,  words)
    data Colour = LightBlue | DarkBlue | VibrantRed deriving Show
    parseColourGen :: Text -> Parser [Text]
    parseColourGen = sequence . intersperse (mempty <$ many1 legalSep) . 
                       fmap string . words
    parseColour :: [(Text, Colour)] -> Parser Colour
    parseColour = foldl1 (<|>) . fmap (\(text, colour) ->
      colour <$ parseColourGen text)
    legalSep :: Parser Text
    legalSep = singleton <$> satisfy (inClass "\n\r- ")

    You can then feed your wordList to the parser; however, it needs to be an association list:

    wordList :: [(Text, Colour)]
    wordList = [("light blue", LightBlue), ("dark blue", DarkBlue), ("vibrant red", VibrantRed)]

    This way, you can configure all of your colours and their corresponding colour names in one place, and you can then run the parser like so:

    > parse (parseColour wordList) $ pack "vibrant-red"
    Done "" VibrantRed


    After the edit in your question, I think I understand what you want a little bit better. FWIW, I would still prefer the solution above, but here is how to fix your last block of code:

    1. As the compiler should tell you, patterns (w:ws) and [w] overlap, so if you want the runtime to catch the single-element pattern, you have to place it on top.
    2. a >> b means "run action a, discard its result, then run action b and use that result". Which is why your parser (with the fix above) will output Done "" "blue". A simple way to fix this is to use do notation to bind the result of all three computations, and return their concatenation.

    Here is what your code now looks like:

    wordListParser :: [Text] -> Parser Text
    wordListParser [w] = string w
    wordListParser (w:ws) = do
      a <- string w
      b <- satisfy (inClass " -")
      c <- wordListParser ws
      return (a `append` (singleton b) `append` c) -- singleton :: Char -> Text
    wordListParser [] = empty

    One last thing: your current implementation will not parse Windows line breaks (\n\r). I don't know if you dropped \n and \r from your separator characters, but if you haven't and Windows files are a possibility for you, it's something to keep in mind.