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For...of loop Which Calls the Variable Name in a String

Very new to JS and code in general (Less than a week, assume 0 knowledge base), so my explanation of the problem will be lack luster, but here's the rundown.

I have a function which takes the values of two obj. Arrays and adds the values together. It then sends that sum to a new array (allinit), and finally sorts the new array numerically. I need to keep them in numerical order and apply a unique string to each variable.

Using a second function (fun) and For...of loop I've generated the following:

var allinit = [jim,dave,bob]

var fun = (allinit) => {

for (var element of allinit) {
    console.log( element + [the name of the variable] + 'initiative')

Using the first function I have assigned:

var jim = 10  
var Dave =15   
var Bob = 20

How can I use this For...of function to print:

10 Bob Initiative

currently '10 initiative'

by calling on the variable name that the element 10 represents?

The immediate answer will be to use a obj/key Array. However, as far as I know I cannot sort an obj/key Array and it MUST be sorted numerically after the sums have been calculated. I'm having a hard time keeping things fluid enough maintain the correct order while still being able to name the variables each number represents. I'm open to suggestions or printing my full code (~50 lines) for context.


Here is some shorthand of my code for context, keep in mind that this has many many lines removed from both arrays and the function. Theres probably about 6 variables in the function each with their own sum and .push()

var R = {

var B = {

var Start = (R,B) => {
  var allinit = [


  var ai = (R.a + B.a);

  var di = (R.d + B.d);


  var fun = (allinit) => {

    for (var element of allinit) {
      console.log( elemement+ ** Variable name here** + ' inititive')




  • Without extra context, since "initiative" is making me think about RPGs, I'm going to assume this is for something like that. I might be off-base here, but let's hope I'm not!

    The idea here is that each player, currently their name and initiative value (but extensible for more things) is represented by an {} object, and they're in an [] array.

    As you can see, I've deliberately ordered them in an arbitrary order, just so we can see sorting works as it should.

    var players = [
      {name: "Jim", initiative: 10},
      {name: "Bob", initiative: 20},
      {name: "Dave", initiative: 15},
      {name: "Uthorr the Star-Slayer", initiative: 3},
    // Declare a callback for sort - named here for clarity.
    function sortByInitiative(p1, p2) {
      // Sort into ascending initiative order (switch up `p1` and `p2` for descending).
      return p1.initiative - p2.initiative;
    // Sort players in place.
    // Loop over them and print salient information.
    players.forEach((player, index) => {
      console.log(`Player ${index + 1} is ${} with initiative ${player.initiative}!`);

    The output is

    Player 1 is Uthorr the Star-Slayer with initiative 3!
    Player 2 is Jim with initiative 10!
    Player 3 is Dave with initiative 15!
    Player 4 is Bob with initiative 20!