I have a small program which is a tcp client. I send a string from this client to a device over ethernet (it acts as the tcp server). As soon as the device recieves the input string it will respond back with response data. My problem is i am not getting the entire response data back from the server. (device).
Dim serverStream As NetworkStream = clientSocket2.GetStream()
Dim outStream As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("my-cmd")
serverStream.Write(outStream, 0, outStream.Length)
Dim inStream(clientSocket2.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte
serverStream.Read(inStream, 0, CInt(clientSocket2.ReceiveBufferSize))
returndata = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(instream)
Returndata does not have the full response back from the server(device)
Actually it was very simple. I just gave some delay before reading the stream. The problem was that before the entire stream could be read the program execution came to the next line. A little delay made sure that the entire stream of data is retrieved. Thanks anyway