I installed Anaconda3 (version 2019.10-Windowsx86_64) on my PC last week. It comes with networkx v2.3, but I would like to upgrade to v2.4, which should be available on Anaconda according to conda search
and Anaconda's website.
I first tried the Anaconda navigator, but can't get it to work. It indicates that networkx can be updated. However, when I click Apply
the navigator spends a bit of time "solving package specifications" and then gives me the empty pop-up shown below.
I also tried using conda prompt. Using conda install networkx
, conda update networkx
, conda install -c anaconda networkx
does not result in v2.4 being installed. I also tried conda install networkx=2.4
, which takes forever and then reports a very long list of package conflicts. I find this confusing because I just installed Anaconda and haven't tampered with any configs yet.
Grateful for any help on understanding what is going on and how I can attempt to fix it!
Try this:
pip install --upgrade networkx