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How to dynamically add IO ports to a Chisel Bundle?

How can you dynamically add inputs or outputs to a Bundle in order to achieve the equivalent of this pseudocode.

class MyBundle extends Bundle {
  for( i <- 1 to 10) {
     val foo_<i> = UInt(i.W)

Note that I would like to not only create 10 dynamic ports but would also like that the index value would be reflected in the port name and port size. I think MixedVec cast to Bundle can potentially offer something similar not quite what I am looking for.


  • One way to do it is use Record instead of Bundle. Here's a pointer to the chisel3 test of the Record construct RecordSpec.scala

    As an example based on your pseudocode. It would look like this

      class MyBundle extends Record {
        val elements = ListMap(Seq.tabulate(10) { i =>
          s"foo_$i" -> UInt(i.W)
        override def cloneType: this.type = (new MyBundle).asInstanceOf[this.type]