I'm trying to create a new variable in a dataset under some conditions of other variables. Basically, I want to simplify the information about education of parents, that is split between father and mother, and create a new one, that takes in account the highest level of education of the parents. For example, if the father education level is 1 and mother education is 0, the value for this row in the new variable would be 1.
I'm trying to use mutate()
with case_when()
functions, that worked in another variable, but I'm not understanding why isn't right now. When I try, it creates a column with only NA's and when I print a table from it, the result is:
< table of extent 0 >
The class of the two variables that I'm using for conditions is 'labelled' and 'factor'.
First, I tried the following command (I'm simplifying the codes):
dataset <- dataset %>%
Then, I tried to consider the cases that has NA values, since there is NA in some rows:
dataset <- dataset %>%
When I used these functions for create a new one for the age of the cases, it worked.
dataset <- dataset %>% mutate(AGE_CAT = case_when(AGE >= 16 & AGE <= 18 ~ '0',
AGE >= 19 & AGE <= 24 ~ '1',
AGE >= 25 & AGE <= 29 ~ '2',
AGE >= 30 ~ '3'))
So, what am I doing wrong? Thanks a lot.
You can play around with the values. Hope this helps.
#sample data
Mother <- c(0,0,0,1,1,NA)
Father <- c(0,1,1,0,0,1)
df <- data.frame(Mother, Father)
str(df) #both Mother and Father columns are numeric
#mutate + case_when
df %>%
mutate(New = case_when(Mother == 0 & Father == 0 ~ 0, #condition 1
Mother == 0 & Father == 1 ~ 1, #condition 2
is.na(Mother) & Father == 1 ~ NA_real_, #condition 3
TRUE ~ 99)) #all other cases
Mother Father New
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 0 1 1
4 1 0 99
5 1 0 99
6 NA 1 NA