i am building a SSRS report using report builder 3.0. i have parameter ACCNUMBER which contain a large number or records, and i am using inside my report the below function :
join(Parameters!ACCNUMBER.Value, ",")
when i generate the report for and i selected few values from ACCNUMBER parameter the report is generated normally; however if i generate the report while Select All values in ACCNUMBER parameter, i receive the below error:
appreciate your assistance.
It looks like you are on the right track but just need to also update the value for MaxJsonDeserializerMembers
There is a (c)onstraint (on .NET framework or Web server I think) that allows only 1,000 values to be loaded under parameter drop down boxes
Add the following tags under section. Note: If doesn't exists in config files add the whole tag from below just after <\system.web> section. If "appSettings" is already there just add 2 keys from below. I put 30000 as maximum number of items, but you can use any number of values.
<add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="30000" />
<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="30000" />