I would like to know the correct method for passing the values of a parameter to a "VALUES" keyword in the SQL in the underlying dataset. I'm using Microsoft Report Builder v3.0, querying an MS-SQL database.
At the moment, after a lot of googling and stack-overflowing, I have come up with the following nicely-working SQL in order to find patients with diagnosis codes starting with either "AB" or "XC":
) AS v (pattern)
dbo.Patient p
inner join Course c on (c.PatientSer = p.PatientSer)
inner join CourseDiagnosis cd on (cd.CourseSer=c.CourseSer)
inner join Diagnosis diag on (diag.DiagnosisSer=cd.DiagnosisSer)
diag.DiagnosisCode like v.pattern
) AS x
However, what I want to do is make the patterns searched for, as generated by the "VALUES" keyword, to be generated when the user selects a drop-down box corresponding to a particular group of patterns. I have used a parameter for this named @Diagnoses, with the label "Grouping1" (there will be other groupings later - I intend to make the parameter multi-valued), and the value "'AB%', 'XC%'", but this doesn't work - the report runs, but returns nothing at all, so clearly I'm doing something wrong.
I have tried to avoid specifiying these diagnosis codes directly in the WHERE clause using the "OR" keyword, as everything I can find along these lines seems to involve using separately declared functions, and the pattern specification / cross-applying solution seemed the neatest.
Can someone help me out?
Thanks in Advance.
You can use a JOIN to combine your parameter values and use the Dataset Expression to build the query text.
="SELECT x.PatientId FROM (VALUES ('" & JOIN(Parameters!VALUES.Value, "'),('") & "') ) AS v (pattern) " & VBCRLF &
<rest of your query>
and the resulting part of the query is: