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Can Oracle Express run with a different runtime or jdk other than the value set by JAVA_HOME

I've installed Oracle XE.

When I ran sqldeveloper.exe against it, sqldeveloper.exe ran "slow" against my local XE database AND remote Oracle database engines.

I found this answer:

sqldeveloper taking too long to load the content of a DB

After I made that fix, sqldeveloper.exe ran pretty dern good against the REMOTE oracle database engine.

However, running it against the local XE, it still runs poorly.

My machine environment variable to set to a Zulu install and cannot be changed (company policy)

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-8

So my question is.. can I alter which JDK oracle.exe runs with?

Here is my version:

c:\mycustomfolder\oracle\product\18.0.0\dbhomexe\bin\ORACLE.EXE XE

I found this .conf file


but don't see any place to override the JDK runner, like I found for sqldeveloper.exe.


  • The database ships its own JDK to use - you should NOT change, generally, running queries against the XE database will NOT invoke any Java code in the db. If running SQL Developer against the XE on your machine is slow, try increasing the amount of memory for the XE database itself (SGA).