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read outlook msg files with node js

I'm trying to read msg-files that are exported from outlook.

Is there a way of reading the original recipient in the msg-file with nodejs? (I don't have online office365, I'm talking about files on disk).

As a rare exception, I couldn't find a npm module for this :-)

Thanks Christian


  • I found this library to be very useful -

    Ideally, you'd be doing something like this:

    import MsgReader from '@kenjiuno/msgreader';
    import * as fs from 'fs'
    readMail = () => { 
    var readFileAsBuffer = fs.readFileSync('fileLocationHere');
    var msgReader = new MSGReader(readFileAsBuffer );
    var fileData = msgReader.getFileData();
    //FileData will have body, subject etc
    var getBody = fileData.body;