i am stuck in a situation to find accounts related report i need to get credit account and debit account in a single row..with amount
my table is like this
Id VoucherId AccountId Amount AccountName IsDebit
1 1 26 100 Sales 0
2 1 10 100 Cash 1
3 2 26 200 Sales 0
4 2 10 200 Cash 1
5 3 10 150 Cash 0
6 3 20 150 Expense A 1
7 4 10 240 Cash 0
8 4 21 240 Expense B 1
and i need to get the result like this
VoucherId DebitName DebitID CreditName CreditID Amount
i tried this
1 Cash 10 Sales 26 100
2 Cash 10 Sales 26 200
3 Expense a 10 Cash 26 150
4 Expense b 10 Cash 26 240
select vc.Id,
case when vd.isdebit=1 then vd.amount else 0 end as C6,
case when vd.isdebit=1 then vd.AccountId else 0 end as A,
case when vd.isdebit=0 then vd.amount else 0 end as C7,
case when vd.isdebit=0 then vd.AccountId else 0 end as B
from VoucherDetails vd
inner join Voucher Vc on vc.Id=vd.VoucherId and vc.IsDeleted=0
inner join AccountsMaster Am on am.Id=vd.AccountId
and many other query, but not getting the above result
pls help.. thanks in Advance
This will work if you are doing double entry. That is for every debit entry there should be also a credit entry.
select DrVoucherId as VoucherId,DebitName,DebitId,CreditName,CreditId,Amount from (
select VoucherId as DrVoucherId,AccountName as DebitName ,AccountId as DebitId from VoucherDetails where IsDebit=1
) a
left join
(select VoucherId as CrVoucherId,AccountName as CreditName ,AccountId as CreditId,Amount from VoucherDetails where IsDebit=0) b on a.DrVoucherId=b.CrVoucherId