I'm learning Unit Testing and I'm struggling to grasp how we can test to see if a type of list is returning, not necessarily the content of the list but to make sure its a LIST that is being returned.
Returning an empty list of strings
public List<string> GetList()
var names = new List<string>();
return names;
My test, trying to return a typeofList:
public void GetListTest()
Assert.Equal(typeof(List<string>), GetList());
Assert.Equal(typeof(List<string>), GetList());
you are testing whether the type of string list is equal with the actual list. You are comparing apples with oranges. You can do this:
Assert.Equal(typeof(List<string>), GetList().GetType());
Also, you can construct composite logical criteria and assert equal to those, so you can check whether the type is the expected one and empty in the same test.