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Can I use mathematica's StringReplace to write the row number of a text file?

I have a mathematica program which output is a text file that for reasons will be used in python as input.

savedXText = ExportString[savedX, "Text"];    
savedXText2 = 
   savedXText, {"[" -> "(", "]" -> ")", 
    "t" -> "m.lammda[i]*180/np.pi", "u" -> "m.phi[i]*180/np.pi"}];

Export["testOutputX.txt", savedXText2]; 

testOutputX.txt has a number of rows which can vary. I need to write instead of just m.lammda and m.phi the number of row. If the file has three rows, I would need m.lammda1 and m.phi1, m.lammda2 and m.phi2and m.lammda3 and m.phi3 in each row of testOutputX.txt

My idea is to use a for loop, charge each row of savedX and then do the string replace in which the value of the variable used to count the loop is written as text in the StringReplace.

I have constructed a for loop that picks each row of savedX and does the StringReplace

savedXReplaced = Table[RandomInteger[i, lengthLoop], {i, 1, lengthLoop}];
    For[i = 1, i < lengthLoop + 1, i++, 
 savedXTextTemp = ExportString[savedX[[i]], "Text"]; 
 savedXTextTemp2 = 
   savedXTextTemp, {"[" -> "(", "]" -> ")", 
    "t" -> "m.lammda[i]*180/np.pi", "u" -> "m.phi[i]*180/np.pi"}]; 
 Print[savedXTextTemp2]; savedXReplaced[[i]] = savedXTextTemp2]

I however have looked at the documentation of StringReplace and I haven't been able to find how to write the value of i, the variable used in this for loop.

Is there a way to do this?


  • This should do the trick.

    For[i = 1, i < lengthLoop + 1, i++,
     savedXTextTemp = ExportString[savedX[[i]], "Text"];
     savedXTextTemp2 = StringReplace[
       savedXTextTemp, {"[" -> "(", "]" -> ")",
        "t" -> StringJoin["m.lammda", ToString[i], "*180/np.pi"],
        "u" -> StringJoin["m.phi", ToString[i], "*180/np.pi"]}];
     Print[savedXTextTemp2]; savedXReplaced[[i]] = savedXTextTemp2]