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How to access Azure DevOps REST API from Azure CloudShell using PowerShell?

I need to access Azure DevOps TFSGit repository from Azure cloudshell, is there a way to open a session with DevOps and issue commands to fetch the repository file contents. I am trying to implement Azure Policy initiatives as it has been depicted here. In the sample (link) the repos are on GitHub and it is public repository, i want to replicate this using Azure DevOps and with private repository.



  • If you want to fetch the repository content. There's an existing api could help -- Items - Get.


    You can check below poswer shell demo for more information about the usement.

    PS C:\Users\****> $personalToken="*******************************"
    PS C:\Users\****> $token=[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($personalToken)"))
    PS C:\Users\****> $header=@{authorization="Basic $token"}
    PS C:\Users\****> $projectUrl ="********/********/_apis/git/repositories/51068825-de***********5671/items?path=Test.txt&api-version=5.1"
    PS C:\Users\****> $content=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $projectUrl -Method GET -contentType "application/json" -Headers $header
    PS C:\Users\****> $content

    enter image description here

    enter image description here