this is my question.js and user.js schema model with mongoose as below, could anyone help how to populate all the username lists in array object of likes:[] with Node js because I was facing this problem almost 2 weeks now, I could not populate the username from a user inside likes. Please, I appreciate your suggestion.
To populate user details, Please use
Post.findOne( { _id: id } )
.populate( "user" )
.populate( "likes.user" );
To get liked post, please use
Post.find({ "likes": { "$gt": 0 } }, function(err, data) {
or using where, here may get error if likes fields is missing or empty, so please check if it is exists
Post.find( {$where:'this.likes.length>0'} )
so please use where and exists
Post.find( {likes: {$exists:true}, $where:'this.likes.length>0'} )