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I got a 500 error when I use guzzle but with curl I dont get one

I have an Openhab system on a PI and a REST API and I want to display information on a TV-Screen.

I have tried to do it with a curl and it worked. So now I want to do the same with Guzzle. First I only installed composer and guzzle in the Project directory on my PC, Then I also installed them on the PI. Neither approach worked as I got a 500 error on both attempts.

function getCurrentTemp() {
    echo "test1";
    $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([

    echo "test2";
    $return = $client->request('GET','', ['auth' => ['User','Password']]);
    echo $return;

I think the creating Client break up the script

I need your help, Thank you


  • 500 basically means that there is a server error. Please attach the cURL command that is successful (as you mentioned in the question's title).

    I also modified your code a bit, to be sure that you are are working with the body content of the response (->getBody()->getContents() part):

    function getCurrentTemp()
        // You don't need 'base_uri' here, because you use absolute URL below
        $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
        $response = $client->request(
            ['auth' => ['User','Password']]
        return $response->getBody()->getContents();