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The Macedonian (mk) language is not taken the translations given in template setup in TYPO3

I am using Typo3 version 9.5.13 with 16 languages, there is a language 'Macedonian(mk)' and I have added a translation for this language with a key in Typo3 template setup, but it's not taking this translation and shows the default translation. This language is not in the Typo3 Supported languages list.

Thank you


  • In order for TYPO3 to support "mk" locale (and thus, XLF-based label files with "mk.locallang.xlf") one needs to add this line to typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php

    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['localization']['locales']['user']['mk'] = 'Macedonian';

    This is the beginning to make it even possible to allow mk for TYPO3 Backend and Frontend - related to label files (XLF).

    The other parts (creating a sys_language record, adding an icon, adding "mk" to the site language etc) are still valid and need to be done as well, in order to determine "mk" in a multi-language setup for TYPO3 Frontend.