Search code examples

Deep queries with mongodb driver in phoenix/elixir

I am using the mongodb driver from to query a mongodb database in an elixir/phoenix project. A simple query such as

cursor = Mongo.find(:mongo, "posts",%{})
      list = Enum.to_list(cursor)
      object= Enum.fetch(list,0)
      object= elem(object, 1) 
      new_list=Map.fetch(object, "name")
      new_cursor= Mongo.find(:mongo, "posts",%{"name" => new_list})

is no problem, but I am wondering how to perform deeper searches as I have nested jsons such as


So how to get to "endpoint" in this case ?


  • Your code is extremely not idiomatic, in the first place. One should not reassign values on each step, we usually use pipes Kernel.|>/2 instead.

    That said, your original cursor might be written as

    list =
      |> Mongo.find("posts", %{})
      |> Enum.fetch(0)
      |> elem(1) 
      |> Map.fetch("name")
      |> elem(1)
    new_list =
      |> Mongo.find("posts", %{"name" => list})
      |> Enum.to_list()

    or, better, with pattern matching

    %{"name" => one} =
      Mongo.find_one(:mongo, "posts", %{})
    #⇒ "something"

    MongoDB also supports mongo query language in Mongo.find/4 as shown in examples here. To get to the nested element one might do:

    Mongo.find(:mongo, "posts",
      %{"attributes" => %{"aspect" => "and_so_on"}})