I have a data anonymization process that takes a production copy of a database and turns it into an anonymized copy by UPDATE-ing some columns.
Some of the tables contain several million rows so instead of UPDATE-ing the columns, which is very log intensive, I went down the way of
CAST('Redacted' AS NVARCHAR(255)) [ColumnRequiringAnonymization]
INTO MyTable_New
FROM MyTable
EXEC sp_rename MyTable, MyTable_old
EXEC sp_rename MyTable_new, MyTable
DROP TABLE MyTable_old
The problem with this approach is that the "new" table no longer has any of the keys, indices and other dependent objects. I have figured out the keys and indices using SPs to generate the DROP and CREATE scripts. The SPs are based on manually written SQL as can be seen e.g. in this answer.
The next problem is that we have a schemabound view on top of this table, which has indices and a full-text index on its own. The number of SPs to generate scripts is growing and I am sure there will be mistakes.
Is there a way to completely script a table/view by using SQL commands only? ie. just like SSMS does when you click "Script table as - CREATE to" but within a stored procedure?
Right-click on the database, select Tasks; there is Generate Scripts there. Just follow prompts or Google for additional information.