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knitr Minimal Demo not compiling correctly

Hi knitr experts: I cannot for the life of me figure out how to compile the knitr Miminal Demo .Rnw document correctly. When I download and run Yihui's Minimal Demo of knitr .Rnw file (link), the document compiles but incorrectly handles the R chunks:

Miscompiled .Rnw Demo

I changed nothing, just opened and compiled. Help welcome. As an aside, would very much appreciate tips on whether this is how I should be going about adding R code into a latex template that UT-Austin requires for dissertation publication. Thanks.


  • I can reproduce your PDF file when using Sweave instead of knitr for translating the .Rnw file. When switching to knitr via the RStudio options (c.f., I get an error message and no PDF, which probably reproduces @r2evans' results in the comments. I also get a warning message that line 19 is Sweave specific (\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}). Removing that line, the file processes with knitr correctly producing

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