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Replacement functions in R that don't take input

This seems very related to several other questions that have been asked (this one for example), but I can't quite figure out how to do exactly what I want. Maybe replacement functions are the wrong tool for the job, which would also be a perfectly acceptable answer. I am much more familiar with Python than R and I can easily think of how I want to do it in Python but I can't quite get my head around how to approach it in R.

The problem: I am trying to modify an object in place within a function, without having to return it, but I don't need to pass in the value that modifies it, because this value is the result of a function call that's already contained in the object.

More specifically, I have a list (technically it's an s3 class, but I don't think that's actually relevant to this issue) that contains some things relating to a process started with processx::process$new() call. For reproducibility, here's a toy shell script you can run, and the code to get my res object:

echo '
echo $1
sleep 1s
echo "naw 1"
sleep 1s
echo "naw 2"
sleep 1s
echo "naw 3"
sleep 1s
echo "naw 4"
sleep 1s
echo "naw 5"
echo "All done."
' >

Then my wrapper is something like this:

run_sh <- function(.args, ...) {
  p <- processx::process$new("sh", .args, ..., stdout = "|", stderr = "2>&1")
  return(list(process = p, orig_args = .args, output = NULL))

res <- run_sh(c("", "hello"))

And res should look like

PROCESS 'sh', running, pid 19882.


[1] "" "hello"  

So, the specific issue here is a bit peculiar to process$new but I think the general principle is relevant. I am trying to collect all the output from this process after it is finished, but you can only call process$new$read_all_output_lines() (or it's sibling functions) once because the first time it will return the result from the buffer and the subsequent times it returns nothing. Also, I am going to call a bunch of these and then come back to "check on them" so I can't just call res$process$read_all_output_lines() right away because then it will wait for the process to finish before the function returns, which is not what I want.

So I'm trying to store the output of that call in res$output and then just keep that and return it on subsequent calls. Soooo... I need to have a function to modify res in place with res$output <- res$process$read_all_output_lines().

Here's what I tried, based on guidance like this, but it didn't work.

get_output <- function(.res) {
  # check if process is still alive (as of now, can only get output from finished process)
  if (.res$process$is_alive()) {
    warning(paste0("Process ", .res$process$get_pid(), " is still running. You cannot read the output until it is finished."))
  } else {
    # if output has not been read from buffer, read it
    if (is.null(.res$output)) {
      output <- .res$process$read_all_output_lines()
      update_output(.res) <- output
    # return output

`update_output<-` <- function(.res, ..., value) {
  .res$output <- value

Calling get_output(res) works the first time, but it does not store the output in res$output to be accessed later, so subsequent calls return nothing.

I also tried something like this:

`get_output2<-` <- function(.res, value) {
  # check if process is still alive (as of now, can only get output from finished process)
  if (.res$process$is_alive()) {
    warning(paste0("Process ", .res$process$get_pid(), " is still running. You cannot read the output until it is finished."))
  } else {
    # if output has not been read from buffer, read it
    if (is.null(.res$output)) {
      output <- .res$process$read_all_output_lines()
      update_output(.res) <- output
    # return output

Which just throws away the value but this feels silly because you have to call it with the assignment like get_output(res) <- "fake" which I hate.

Obviously I could also just return the modified res object, but I don't like that because then the user has to know to do res <- get_output(res) and if they forget to do that (the first time) then the output is lost to the ether and can never be recovered. Not good.

Any help is much appreciated!


  • After further information from the OP, it looks as if what is needed is a way to write to the existing variable in the environment that calls the function. This can be done with non-standard evaluation:

    check_result <- function(process_list) 
      # Capture the name of the passed object as a string
      list_name <- deparse(substitute(process_list))
      # Check the object exists in the calling environment
      if(!exists(list_name, envir = parent.frame()))
         stop("Object '", list_name, "' not found")
      # Create a local copy of the passed object in function scope
      copy_of_process_list <- get(list_name, envir = parent.frame())
      # If the process has completed, write its output to the copy
      # and assign the copy to the name of the object in the calling frame
      if(length(copy_of_process_list$process$get_exit_status()) > 0)
        copy_of_process_list$output <- copy_of_process_list$process$read_all_output_lines()
        assign(list_name, copy_of_process_list, envir = parent.frame()) 

    This will update res if the process has completed; otherwise it leaves it alone. In either case it prints out the current contents. If this is client-facing code you will want further type-checking logic on the object passed in.

    So I can do

    res <- run_sh(c("", "hello"))

    and check the contents of res I have:

    #> $`process`
    #> PROCESS 'sh', running, pid 1112.
    #> $orig_args
    #> [1] "" "hello" 
    #> $output
    #> NULL

    and if I immediately run:

    #> $`process`
    #> PROCESS 'sh', running, pid 1112.
    #> $orig_args
    #> [1] "" "hello" 
    #> $output
    #> NULL

    we can see that the process hasn't completed yet. However, if I wait a few seconds and call check_result again, I get:

    #> $`process`
    #> PROCESS 'sh', finished.
    #> $orig_args
    #> [1] "" "hello" 
    #> $output
    #> [1] "hello"     "naw 1"     "naw 2"     "naw 3"     "naw 4"     "naw 5"    
    #> [7] "All done."

    and without explicitly writing to res, it has updated via the function:

    #> $`process`
    #> PROCESS 'sh', finished.
    #> $orig_args
    #> [1] "" "hello" 
    #> $output
    #> [1] "hello"     "naw 1"     "naw 2"     "naw 3"     "naw 4"     "naw 5"    
    #> [7] "All done."