I am using Flutter with multi flavors. And I'm trying to automate the building of apk. I declared this lane:
desc "build apk"
lane :test_build_android_app do |options|
gradle(task: "assembleProductionfirst", build_type: "Release" })
when I run this lane, I get this error:
Compiler message: Error: Error when reading 'lib/main.dart': No such file or directory package:flutter_app/main.dart: Error: No 'main' method found. Try adding a method named 'main' to your program. Target kernel_snapshot failed: Exception: Errors during snapshot creation: null build failed.
I have several mains. So I need to run flutter build -t lib/first/main.dart
How can specify the flutter main path when using fastlane
or gradlew
I had the same issue - using "flags" did the trick for me:
gradle( flavor: "my_flavor", task: "bundle", build_type: "Release", flags: "-Ptarget=lib/main_flavor.dart")