I'm creating a relatively simple SQL CLR in C#.
The job of this CLR is to publish events to an Azure Event Grid Topic.
I would like to be able to call this particular CLR from any number of triggers for any number of tables (in actuality there will be few).
Given the core code below how does one accurately retrieve the name of the table that caused/fired the trigger? I have little clue where to start.
I would like to be able to remove the SqlTrigger
attribute and somehow access the table name for the var table
// I Would like to leave the attribute commented out
//[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger(Name = "PublishToEventGridTrigger",
// Target = "NamesOfThings", Event = "FOR UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE")]
public static void PublishToEventGridTrigger()
// TODO - How should these settings be handled?
// Not sure if config files are accessible... To test..
// ***************************************************************
string topicHost = "https://####.eventgrid.azure.net/api/events";
string topicKey = "####";
// TODO - Get Table name for this
var table = "How Do I set This";
string eventType = $"##.{table}.{SqlContext.TriggerContext.TriggerAction.ToString()}";
// ***************************************************************
// extract data involved in trigger
// Create the Event object
EventGridEvent evt = new EventGridEvent("QWDBEvent", eventType, new
TriggerData(SqlContext.TriggerContext, SqlContext.Pipe));
// Publish the event
Event.Publish(topicHost, topicKey, evt);
catch (Exception ex)
//TODO - how do we handle these through SQL CLR?
// Going with a fire-and-forget for now
SqlContext.Pipe.Send($"Failure firing {ex.Message}");
SqlContext.Pipe.Send($"Trigger fired");
This is not natively supported, and not super easy to accomplish. I actually have a mock-up that does it but haven't had time to publish it. Certainly not straight-forward. For the moment, you can take a look at both answers to this question:
SQL CLR Trigger - get source table
And I will update this answer when I get my solution cleaned up and posted.
HOWEVER, while you say that there will be only a few tables that this will be applied to, please keep in mind that triggers are executed in the context of the transaction that the DML (or even DDL) statement is a part of. This has two consequences:
You should be able to decouple the DML/DLL operation from the logging piece by setting up Service Broker to handle calling the logging service. In this case you would:
SELECT tab.[name]
FROM sys.objects tab
WHERE tab.[object_id] = (
SELECT trg.[parent_object_id]
FROM sys.objects trg
WHERE trg.[object_id] = @@PROCID
and/or DELETED
tables (you won't have access to these after this; though you could possibly repackage the data in those two tables as XML to send as part of the Service Broker message -- e.g. SELECT * FROM inserted FOR XML RAW('ins');
)Keep in mind (since you mentioned getting affected PK value from INSERTED
tables) that there can be multiple rows in those tables if the DML operation affected multiple rows (i.e. never assume a single row for DML operations).