I've got a simple class containing a SOQL query that finds the nearest custom location record based on the input of 2 coordinates:
public with sharing class NearestLocation {
@InvocableMethod(label='Get Nearest location' description='From given coordinates the nearest location is returned')
public static List<custom__Location__c> getLocation(List<FlowInput> requests)
List<custom__Location__c> locList =
[SELECT id, Name
FROM custom__Location__c WHERE RecordType.Name = 'Synced' AND
DISTANCE(custom__GeoLocation__c, GEOLOCATION(:requests[0].coordlat, :requests[0].coordlng), 'km')<1
ORDER BY DISTANCE(custom__GeoLocation__c, GEOLOCATION(:requests[0].coordlat, :requests[0].coordlng), 'km')
for(custom__Location__c lc : locList)
system.debug('~~!~~!~~' + lc.id);
system.debug('~~!~~!~~' + lc.name);
return locList;
public class FlowInput
public decimal coordlat;
public decimal coordlng;
} }
The above code works as expected when run from Execute Anon:
list <NearestLocation.FlowInput> fi = new list<NearestLocation.FlowInput>();
NearestLocation.FlowInput x1 = new NearestLocation.FlowInput();
x1.coordlat = 53.243213;
x1.coordlng = -1.475886;
However, I'm trying to get it to be 'invoked' from within a lightning flow, but it fails with a generic 'flow has validation errors' message.
lightning flow - apex action
execution log - flow has validation errors
I'm obviously missing something and was wondering if anyone could offer some guidance/thoughts?
Nothing inheritently wrong with the code....problems were due to unrelated formula in the lightning flow! Hmmm...note to self...start with a blank canvas!
Thanks for the response Ahmed. It is returning a list: public static List return locList;