In python sympy I have the following code
from sympy.stats import P, E, variance, covariance, Normal
mu, sigma = symbols('mu sigma')
epsilon_t = Normal('epsilon_t', 0, sigma)
epsilon_t1 = Normal('epsilon_t+1', 0, sigma)
which defines two (presumably independent) normal random variables. Now, I would expect that
is equal to zero, but when I run this through sympy, I get something a lot more complicated. It tells me it is zero for pi/2 > 2|larg(sigma)| and something much more complicated otherwise. I don't care about the second part, I just want it to be zero. How can I do that?
If you look at help(arg)
you will get a hint that is helpful: the arg(x)
is 0 if its x
is positive. So if you define your parameters as positive instead of real, arg
will be able to evaluate:
>>> mu, sigma = symbols('mu sigma',positive=True)
>>> epsilon_t = Normal('epsilon_t', 0, sigma)
>>> epsilon_t1 = Normal('epsilon_t+1', 0, sigma)
>>> E(epsilon_t*epsilon_t1)