I encountered pretty strange situation with routerLink directive used in NgbModal. To start, I have feature module with structure like this:
The routing is defined like this(simpified):
export const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: ContainerPageComponent
path: ':id',
component: AnotherContainerPageComponent,
children: [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'some-route' },
{ path: 'preferences', component: PreferencesComponent },
{ path: 'rules/new', component: OtherComponent }
I have modal that is opened from preferences component like this:
addRulePopup() {
const ref = this.modalService.open(PopupComponent, {
backdrop: 'static',
centered: true,
size: 'lg',
backdropClass: 'bg-white-opaque force-opaque no-border',
windowClass: 'no-border'
ref.result.then(e => {
I don't change url when opening modal so i suggest that from router's perspective nothing changes when i open modal.
In both popup-component and preferences-component i have link like this:
<div class="rule" routerLink="../rules/new">
The problem is that from popup-component i'm redirected to 404, while from preferences i navigate to right url.
Description of problem may seem overcomplicated, so sorry if you feel so :) i tried to simplify things.
i have already resolved the problem by using router.navigate from controller, passing activated route instance, like this:
this.router.navigate(['../../preferences'], { relativeTo: this.route });