Lets say that a task needs to be done and there are no data model changes needed(i.e items.xml does not need to be touched). For example a new Interceptor is needed for an existing Item Type. In this case I just need a new spring bean and a new Java class.
After I do the changes, If I run an "ant build" it takes approximately 1:30(one minute and a half), sometimes even more than that.
From what I noticed Hybris tries to check every extension that is included in localExtension.xml with their required extensions as well, and that is taking a lot of time.
How can I perform a faster build ? It should not take that much time since the only thing that is needed in my Interceptor case is to compile the new Interceptor class, and that's it.
I understand that when data model is changed the models.jar needs to be deleted, the new sources need to be generated and compiled in a new models.jar and that requires time. But in the more simple scenario it should work a lot faster.
PS: I know about JRebel but this question addresses the cases in which the developer does not have JRebel.
In platform/build.xml add below ant target:
<target name="compileExtensions" description="Compiles only the provided extensions">
In platform/resources/ant/compiling.xml add the macro definition:
<macrodef name="compile_only_specified_extensions">
<isset property="ext.@{extname}.warextension" />
<extension_compile extname="@{extname}" />
<external_extension_build extname="@{extname}"/>
Define foreachextprovidedincli in platform/resources/ant/util.xml
<macrodef name="foreachextprovidedincli">
<element name="do" optional="false" />
<attribute name="param" default="extname" />
<for list="${extensions.to.compile}" param="@{param}" delimiter=";">
<do />
Now what I simply have to do to compile my classes is run the following command:
ant compileExtensions -Dextensions.to.compile="extensionName1;extensionName2;extensionName3"
With above command the build was reduced to 4 seconds.