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Assign a random value - either 0 or 1 - to factors of a list

I have a list with 1000 factors, each ranging from 1 to 1000 and each factor appears 15 times. I want to either assign 0 or 1 to every factor that has the same value. For instance, factor 1 that appears 15 times has to have always the value 0. Any idea on how to do this? Basically, I would like to have two columns, one with the factors, and one with the value (0 or 1) that each factor has.


  • You could do:

    my_binary <- as.numeric(my_factor) %% 2

    So, for example:

    df <- data.frame(number = 1:20, factor = rep(letters[1:5], 4))
    df$binary <- as.numeric(df$factor) %% 2

    Gives you

    #>    number factor binary
    #> 1       1      a      1
    #> 2       2      b      0
    #> 3       3      c      1
    #> 4       4      d      0
    #> 5       5      e      1
    #> 6       6      a      1
    #> 7       7      b      0
    #> 8       8      c      1
    #> 9       9      d      0
    #> 10     10      e      1
    #> 11     11      a      1
    #> 12     12      b      0
    #> 13     13      c      1
    #> 14     14      d      0
    #> 15     15      e      1
    #> 16     16      a      1
    #> 17     17      b      0
    #> 18     18      c      1
    #> 19     19      d      0
    #> 20     20      e      1

    And if you want arbitrary numbers at a specified probability you would do:

    numbers <- c(0, 1)
    probs <- c(0.75, 0.25)
    df <- data.frame(number = 1:20, factor = rep(letters[1:5], 4))
    df$binary <- sample(numbers, length(levels(df$factor)), prob = probs, T)[as.numeric(df$factor)]