I have got a condition and i want to use mysql temporary tables.
i have Tasks table and Jobs table.
tasks has one to many relation with jobs (each task has one or more jobs)
i want to select The Last Job of each task in a query (based on created_at column).
this query works fine:
FROM tasks t
join jobs j
on t.id = j.task_id
and j.id = ( select id
from jobs
where jobs.task_id = t.id
and jobs.deleted_at is null
by id desc
limit 1
by j.created_at desc;
but i want to use something more flexible like mysql temporary table:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE last_jobs SELECT * from jobs where ...
and make it with laravel elequent and query builder if there is any built in function or so like:
if anyone can give me a hand or a clue it would be helpful.
You can create a view in a migration, note that you should explicitly declare each column name (with an alias if it is an ambiguous name).
class CreateLastJobsView extends Migration {
public function up() {
DB::statement("CREATE VIEW last_jobs AS
SELECT t.id as task_id, j.id as job_id, ...
FROM tasks t
join jobs j
on t.id = j.task_id
and j.id = ( select id
from jobs
where jobs.task_id = t.id
and jobs.deleted_at is null
by id desc
limit 1
order by j.created_at desc");
public function down() {
DB::statement('DROP VIEW last_jobs');
Then you can use the view as a normal table: