I am working on an app in which I need to integrate payment gateway and I am using Cashfree payment gateway WebView Checkout
option as per the need. It is easy to implement from their docs. This is how I initiate SDK:
func initiateCFSDK() {
let cashfreeVC = CFViewController(params: getPaymentParams(), appId: self.appId, env: self.environmentCF, callBack: self)
let navVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: cashfreeVC)
self.present(navVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
Payment parameters:
func getPaymentParams() -> Dictionary<String, String> {
return [
"orderId": self.orderId,
"tokenData" : self.paymentToken,
"orderAmount": self.paymentValue,
"customerName": "name",
"orderNote": "health prodcuts",
"orderCurrency": "INR",
"customerPhone": "9876543210",
"customerEmail": "abc@gmail.com",
"notifyUrl": "https://test.gocashfree.com/notify"
From their docs, we need to drag and drop framework to Xcode project and add it to Embedded Binaries
. The token in generated from the backend using the orderId and need to pass it in payment parameters.
Problem 1:
Everytime I Initiate SDK it gives me error: "Invalid token sent in request" and prints following result in delegate
Finished navigating to url https://test.cashfree.com/billpay/checkout/post/submit JSON value : {"orderId":"","referenceId":"","orderAmount":"","txMsg":"Invalid token sent in request","txTime":"","txStatus":"FAILED","paymentMode":"","signature":""}
Following is the screenshot for the reference.
Problem 2: Since I present the SDK by embedding inside a UINavigationController, when I press back button it can't dismiss itself.
I am banging my head from many weeks for the error (Invalid token) I can't resolve. So anyone here tried it and please take a look what is wrong? Looking forward for the solutions from SO.
P.S: I tried contacting their tech support and everytime they just sent link to their docs.
I have prepared demo project with Cash Free SDK, Using Xcode 11.0
Step 1
To Generate the token , I have used in postman
with parameters
with following headers
Step 2
Now In code
func initiateCFSDK() {
let cashfreeVC = CFViewController(params: getPaymentParams(), appId: "xxxxxxxxxxx", env: "TEST", callBack: self)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(cashfreeVC, animated: true)
func getPaymentParams() -> Dictionary<String, String> {
return [
"orderId": "ORD123456",
"orderAmount": "30",
"customerName": "name",
"orderNote": "health prodcuts",
"orderCurrency": "INR",
"customerPhone": "9876543210",
"customerEmail": "abc@gmail.com",
"notifyUrl": "https://test.gocashfree.com/notify"
Here Nothing changed just used TEST environment and passed the appid and token
Problem 2 : Don't bother to present , just push this controller :)
Cheers !! :)