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Why am I receiving an operation failed error when trying to set up a new project?

I am trying to set up a new project and I receive the below error. I hit "retry" but the error shows again. I have tried in different browsers & cleared all cache but issue continues.

"Oops, something went wrong. Project creation operation failed. Please retry project creation." CTA: Try again

enter image description here


  • I assume your issue may have something to do with your custom process template. Azure Devops supports default processes like Basic, Agile, Scrum, and CMMI, also it supports customize an inherited process.

    Check which process model do you select when you create the project, I think the issue would go away if you select the default process to create the project. And that issue occurs when you try to create one project based on bad process model.

    When you create the project, test with different WIT and you can locate the bad one:

    enter image description here

    Hope it helps and if i misunderstand anything, feel free to correct me.