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how to replace string

if column 'all' contains the string which is in column 'sch', then this string will be replaced by the string in 'rep'. the column 'new_all' is what I expected.

data a0;
input sch $9. rep $14. ;
map_clm  map_claim
xyz_ttt  xyz    
drug_clm drug_clm_test 
fee_sch  fee_sch_test

data a1;
input all $26. new_all $30.;
from abc.xyz_ttt d2 left from d2 left
D1.Xwlk,abc.xyz_TTT left D1.xwlk, left
d1.x,abc.map_clms,d2.dos d1.x,abc.map_clms,d2.dos
ABC.XYZ_Ttt left join d1 left join d1
,tt.drug_CLM, tt.Xyz_ttt ,tt.drug_clm_test,
d3.DOS,t2.fee_SCH, fd3.DOS,t2.fee_sch_test,


  • I'm assuming that you want to transform column all into column new_all, using the values from the a0 data set to describe/control the transformation.

    %macro do_it;
    * Set up some macro variable arrays to hold the from/to pairs;
    data _null_;
      set a0 end=end;
      call symput("sch" || _n_, sch);
      call symput("rep" || _n_, rep);
      if end then call symput("max", _n_);
    * Process the data;
    data want;
      length new_all_new $ 200;
      set a1;
      * Copy the incoming value to the output;
      new_all_new = all;
      * Apply each of the transformations in turn;
      %do i = 1 %to &max;
        new_all_new = tranwrd(new_all_new, "&&sch&i", "&&rep&i");
      * Did we get the expected value?;
      if new_all_new ne new_all then do;
        put "ERROR: Did not get expected value: " all= new_all= new_all_new=;

    The above code should be pretty close, though I'm unable to test it at the moment. This code is case-sensitive; your expected data suggests that you want to apply the transformations case-insensitively, whilst also preserving the case of the rest of the string. That's a little trickier to implement; if it's really a requirement, a regex search and replace (prxparse("s/&&sch&i/&&rep&i/");) might be the best approach.

    There's also the issue that you want to replace 'map_clm' but not 'map_clms', which also suggests regexes might be the cleanest solution.

    In any case, this code gives a reasonable starting point for you to work from, I think. It's great that you have built-in expected values to test against.

    Are you really modifying SQL code programatically?