I have Python client which opens a websocket connection to a server and subscribes to particular topic using STOMP protocol, subscription goes just fine as i see on the server all is fine. However, When the server publishes a few messages the client does not receive any. Here are the codes used:
# coding: utf-8
import websocket
import stomp
import stomper
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
uri = "ws://"
def on_msg(ws, msg):
def on_error(ws, err):
def on_closed(ws):
def on_open(ws):
sub = stomper.subscribe("/user/queue/alert", "MyuniqueId", ack="auto")
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(uri, header=headers, on_message=on_msg, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_closed)
ws.on_open = on_open
Code server uses to publish the message:
for (WatchesSubscription s : subscriptions) {
template.convertAndSendToUser(s.getSession().getUser(), destination, dto);
When i checked out the value of the above variables i saw that destination was as expected queue/alerts. I have java client to test out as well and it works just fine. I have even tried this by subscribing to /topic/alerts
and sending to it via template.convertAndSend(/topic/alerts)
, here too i received nothing. I am a drawing a complete blank on this and would appreciate any sort of help!
After many days of hair pulling I finally figured out the reason and the fix!
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(transport);
.The stompClient.connect(URL, webSocketHttpHeaders, sessionHandler);
method implicitly sends a stomp CONNECT\n\n\x00\n
with the new user. So the internal message broker knows that there is a user who has subscribed to so-and-so topic.SUBSCRIBE
message. So the broker never got a CONNECT
so the user was never stored! This resulted in the messages later on being published to be merely discarded by the broker.CONNECT\n\n\x00\n
after opening up the connection and before the subscription. Here is the code:def on_open(ws):
#The magic happens here!
sub = stomper.subscribe("/user/queue/alert", "MyuniqueId", ack="auto")