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Build one to many relationship in PowerBI, when foreign keys are inside JSON array?

I am very new with Power BI, and my first task is to connect to a JSON datasource, I have an issue with arrays containing keys. Some context, let's say we have users and factories:


    "email": "",
    "user_id": "user1-id",
    "factory": ['factoryId1']
    "email": "",
    "user_id": "user2-id",
    "factory": ['factoryId2', 'factoryId1']


    "factoryId": 'factoryId1',
    "factoryName": "London"
    "factoryId": 'factoryId2',
    "factoryName": "Moscow"

Now the relationship I would like to build is:

| user_id  | factory_Id |
| user1-id | factoryId1 |
| user2-id | factoryId1 |
| user2-id | facotryId2 |

I have tried using the "Add as new Query" option:

enter image description here

After converting to a table and expanding the rows, I almost get the desired result:

| factory_Id |
| factoryId1 |
| factoryId1 |
| facotryId2 |

The only thing missing here is the userIds. How do I add those Ids? (or maybe there is a simpler method of doing this?)


  • Use "Expand to New Rows" (click on the double arrow icon)

    enter image description here enter image description here

    The M query will look like this:

        Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("C:\Users\gluisotto\Desktop\json.json")),
        #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
        #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"email", "user_id", "factory"}, {"", "Column1.user_id", "Column1.factory"}),
        #"Expanded Column1.factory1" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Expanded Column1", "Column1.factory")
        #"Expanded Column1.factory1"