I'm new to Django and I'm building an e-commerce website (db: sqlite3). Each item on sale has 1-5 images uploaded. So I've got the model here:
class Item(models.Model):
'''Item model with maximum 5 images uploaded'''
image_1 = models.ImageField(upload_to='items/')
image_2 = models.ImageField(upload_to='items/', blank=True)
image_3 = models.ImageField(upload_to='items/', blank=True)
image_4 = models.ImageField(upload_to='items/', blank=True)
image_5 = models.ImageField(upload_to='items/', blank=True)
In order to create a carousel (bootstrap4) for each item, I need to know how many images uploaded. My thinking is to create a function in the class to find out how many ImageField
there are in this model and how many are not blank.
So my question is:
1. is there a better way to create ImageField, a more dynamic way?
2. is it possible to find out the number of the same field in a model that are not blank?
I would create a separate model for the images and link it to the Item model. This will make filtering easier as well as make image uploads more flexible.
class ItemImage(models.Model):
item = models.ForeignKey(Item)
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='items/')
class Item(models.Model):
# we add a model property then do a reverse lookup in order to
# count images linked to the item object
# this can then be accessed by item_obj.image_count
def get_image_count(self)
return self.itemimage_set.all().count()