I need to run a different compiler dependent on which version of an app the file being edited is destined to be used with.
The source file is always stored in a path that contains the version number.
So file
Would need to run
%ProgramFiles%\App\9\Compiler.exe "%APPDATA%\App\9\Settings\Source.file"
Would need to run
%ProgramFiles%\App\11\Compiler.exe "%APPDATA%\App\11\Settings\Source.file"
I have tried following the advanced example here: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/build_systems.html#advanced_example
but python really isnt my thing and I can't seem to get anything to run
Basic works but I cant specify the version:
"cmd": ["c:\\Program Files\\App\\10\\compile.exe", "$file"],
"selector": "source.app",
"file_patterns": "*.ext"
But this doesnt:
"target": "app_build",
"selector": "source.app",
"file_patterns": "*.ext"
.py file
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class AppBuildCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run (self):
vars = self.window.extract_variables()
compiler = vars['file_path']
compiler = compiler.split("\\")
compiler_path = "c:\\Program Files\\App\\" + compiler[compiler.index("App")+1] + "\\Compiler.exe"
file = vars['file']
self.window.run_command (compiler + " \"" + file + "\"")
Also tried with no success:
args = []
self.window.run_command("cmd", args)
The run_command()
method is for executing internal Sublime commands (i.e. the things you would bind to a key or trigger from a menu), so part of the reason why this isn't working for you is that you're trying to get Sublime to run a command instead of having it execute an external program.
A build system is normally executed by the exec
command; this is essentially the default value of the target
key if you don't provide it in your sublime-build
file. exec
is responsible for using the arguments given to it by Sublime to start up an external process, capture it's output and display it in the output panel at the bottom of the window.
In order to customize what gets executed, you do need to implement you own WindowCommand
and use the target
key to tell Sublime to run it, but that command is then responsible for doing what exec
would do, which includes starting an external process and capturing the output.
The example that's listed in the documentation uses subprocess.Popen()
to perform this task, along with having to track if the task is running to close it, etc.
An easy way to pull this off is to create your command as a subclass of the command that Sublime normally uses to run the build, so that you can customize how the build starts but let existing code take care of all of the details.
An example of such a command would be something like the following:
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import os
from Default.exec import ExecCommand
class AppBuildCommand(ExecCommand):
def run(self, **kwargs):
# Get the list of variables known to build systems
variables = self.window.extract_variables()
# Is there a file path? There won't be if the file hasn't been saved
# yet.
if "file_path" in variables:
# Pull out the file path, split it into parts, and use the segment
# after the "App" segment as the value of a new variable named
# version.
file_path = variables["file_path"].upper().split(os.sep)
if "APP" in file_path:
variables["version"] = file_path[file_path.index("APP") + 1]
# Expand any remaining variables in our arguments and then execute the
# build.
kwargs = sublime.expand_variables(kwargs, variables)
An example of a sublime-build
file that uses this command for the build would be:
"target": "app_build",
"cancel": {"kill": true},
"cmd": ["c:\\Program Files\\App\\\\${version:100}\\compile.exe", "$file"],
"selector": "source.app",
"file_patterns": ["*.ext"]
The command itself examines the path of the current file for the segment that follows the App
segment (here case insensitively just in case), and uses that to create a new build system variable named version
. If the file hasn't been saved yet (and thus has no name on disk) or if there isn't a path segment named App
in it, then the variable is not created.
The last two lines expand any variables that haven't been expanded yet, and then tell the exec
command to execute the build.
The sublime-build
file can be in every way a normal sublime-build
file, but the changes you need to make are:
You need to use target
to indicate that our command should be the one to execute
You should (but don't need to) set the cancel
key to tell Sublime how to cancel your build if you choose the cancel build command; this one tells Sublime to execute the same app_build
command that it used to start the build, but give it an extra argument to say the build should be terminated.
Anywhere you want to access the version number from the path of the file, use the notation \\${version:DEFAULT}
The variable needs to be specified this way (i.e. with the two \\
characters in front) because Sublime will automatically try to expand any variables in the build system keys that exec
recognizes before it calls the command.
Since at the time the command gets called we haven't set the value of the version
variable yet, this will make Sublime assume that the value is the empty string, which removes it from the string and stops us from being able to detect that it's there.
In order to get Sublime to leave the variable alone, you need to use the \$
notation as an indication that this should not be treated as a special $
character; Sublime will convert \$
to $
and pass it through to our command. In the sublime-build
file you need to use \\$
because \$
is not a valid JSON character escape.
portion is optional; this is what will be used as the expanded text if the version
variable isn't set. In the example above it's set to 100
, but in practice you'd set it to something like 9
or 11
instead. The variable won't be set if the command couldn't figure out the version to use, so you can use this to set a default version to be used in that case (if this makes sense for your use case).
This video series on build systems in Sublime Text has more information in general on how build sytems work, which includes several videos on custom build targets and how they work, including more information on advanced custom targets that subclass the ExecCommand
as we're doing here (disclaimer: I am the author).