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Example for ssh_keys parameter in ansible module vultr_server

I am using ansible 2.9.4 and trying to setup a playbook for provisioning vultr servers.

Using the vultr_server module (which works fine) i noticed the ssh_keys parameter. The only documentation provided is "List of SSH key names or IDs passed to the server on creation.".

What functionality is provided? Can someone provide an example?

Relevant task:

- name: Ensure a cloud server exists
    module: vultr_server
    name: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
    ipv6_enabled: yes
    private_network_enabled: no
    os: "Debian 10 x64 (buster)"
    plan: "4096 MB RAM,128 GB SSD,3.00 TB BW"
    region: Amsterdam
    - id_rsa
    register: result

Tasks execution succeeded and a new running instance is available. However, no authorized_keys (no .ssh directory at all).


  • The name of the ssh_keys must match the name of the keys known by vultr. You can create these public named keys via the web console ( Products -> SSH Keys -> Add SSH key.

    The specified public keys will be added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (file will be created automatically).
