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RESTful API keys suggestions

I'm looking for suggestions about a RESTful API design. I've read a lot about REST API schemes, ways of authentication/authorization etc. What I can't decide is if I really need to use API keys. From what I understand using API keys is useful if you want to monitor the usage, limit each application's requests and for statistical data.

What I want to avoid is having to create additional web interfaces for adding/managing/removing applications and adding/removing application administrators. Maybe there's a simpler way to do the API key distribution. Or do I really need those? I mean, monitoring and limiting the usage is cool and sounds useful but does it deserve the other things I need to make for keys distribution.

To be more specific my website is something like slideshare and scribd. I want to give API access to its functions like adding and managing documents and getting information about users. So for example to upload a file you need to somehow authenticate and use a specific account to do it. In this case is an API key a requirement or I can just stick with authenticating users?

So what do you think is the best way for me to handle API keys? Or should I use them at all? Is there a more clever way to distribute (create, remove) the keys?


  • well do you know mashery and programmableweb?

    maybe there are some useful ressources


    i would use api keys for statistics and limitation but also serve some services without an api key like google does

    You can create easily APIs with solutions like
    The Datatank
    Services (just for Drupal)

    there are some more: